A.R. & Machines — Albums 1971-1975 (Germany, Krautrock/Progressive Rock)

Исполнитель: A.R. & Machines
Откуда: Germany
Коллекция: Albums 1971-1975
Жанр: Krautrock/Progressive Rock
Формат: MP3 CBR 320
Размер архива: 778 МB

Producer, composer and musician, Achim Reichel is a key figure in the explosion of krautrock. Reichel was first a founder member of «The Rattles» at the beginning of the 60’s. In 1968 he formed the «Wonderland band» with the drummer Frank Dostal. Late 60’s he launched his first solo musical project called A.R and the machines. Musically it provides a supreme sonic musical voyage turned to cycled psychedelic guitar playing with lot of echoes and delay. The first album was published in 1971 in collaboration with Frank Dostal. The album presents an ambitious collection of spacey rock jams featuring a lot of electronic effects and arrangements. This album prefigures «acid» trips of krautrock guitar / minimal electronic explorers like Manuel Gottsching. The guitar freakouts and the weird imagination of the first effort continue to prevail in the following inspired, confused and various Die Grune Reise, A.R. IV, Autovision (generally a mix between guitar soudscapes and psych pop orientated songs). Reichel decided to abandon the project after 5 studio albums. Today A.R and the machines remains a high class standard of hypnotic space-echo guitar inventions.

1971 - Die Grüne Reise - The Green Journey

Ich Bin (Fröhliche Abenteuer Für Sinne, Geist Und Triebe)
(I Am — Happy Adventures For The Senses, The Mind And The Impulses)
— Station 1:
01. Globus — 2:55
02. In The Same Boat — 2:05
— Station 2:
03. Beautiful Babylon — 5:00
04. I’ll Be Your Singer — You’ll Be My Song — 2:25
— Station 3:
05. Body — 1:57
06. A Book’s Blues — 1:33
— Station 4:
07. …As If I Have Seen All This Before — 5:30
08. Cosmic Vibration (An Afternoon Concert) — 4:39
09. Come On, People — 2:52
10. Truth And Probability (A Lexicon Of Self-Knowledge) — 12:14

Achim Reichel — guitars, echo-machines, vocals, producer
Dicky Tarrach — drums, percussion, vocals
Hans Lampe — percussion
Frank Dostal — producer

1972 - Echo

Einladung (Invitation):
01. Einladung (Invitation) — 1:04
02. Zu Neuen Abenteuern (To New Adventures) — 4:30
03. Im Zauberwald Der Sieben Sinne (In The Magic Forest Of The 7 Senses) — 1:05
04. Im Irrgarten Des Geistes (In The Labyrinth Of The Mind) — 3:23
05. Beim Waltzer Der Triebe (At The Waltz Of The Inclinations) — 1:57
06. Unter Dem Schwarz-Grün-Roten Banner (Under The Black-Green-Red Banner) — 6:48
07. Internationalhymne (International Anthem) — 1:42
Das Echo Der Gegenwart (The Echo Of The Presence):
08. Erwachen Am Ufer (Awakening On The Shore) — 3:40
09. Vor Dem Haus Am Fuße Des Wachsenden Berges (In Front Of The House At The Foot Of The Growing Mountain) — 0:49
10. Signale (Signals) — 1:40
11. Wissen Ist Frühling Im Herbst (Knowledge Is Spring In Autumn) — 1:30
12. Eisen-Laura Mit Der Lyra (Iron-Laura With The Lyra) — 2:29
Das Echo Der Zeit (The Echo Of Time):
13. Ich Staune (I Am Astonished) — 2:11
14. Auf Dem Schlitten (On The Sledge) — 0:58
15. Ins Echo Der Zeit (To The Echo Of Time) — 3:15
16. Regenbögen Hinab (Down The Rainbows) — 2:31
17. Durch Fühlbares, Meßbares Nichts (Through Feelable, Measurable Nothing) — 2:03
18. Ewiger Abschied Auf Lila Glut (Eternal Farewell On Lilac Ardour) — 2:03
Das Echo Der Zukunft (The Echo Of The Future):
19. Ahnungen (Suspicions) — 1:23
20. Beim Tanz Der Elektrischen Winde (At The Dance Of The Electrical Winds) — 4:57
21. Vor Der Geburt Der Neuen Dimension (Before The Birth Of The New Dimension) — 2:17
22. Interstellare Kommunikationen (Interstellar Communications) — 3:51
23. Das Öffnen Des Großen Tores (The Opening Of The Big Gate) — 2:09
24. Der Traum Vom Gleichgewicht (The Dream Of Balance) — 3:26
Das Echo Der Vergangenheit (The Echo Of The Past):
25. Erinnerungen An Übermorgen (Memories Of The Day After Tomorrow) — 4:42
26. Ad Libido — 7:57
27. Ego Lego — 2:57
28. Brennt Wie Ein Licht Am Ende Des Tunnels (Burns Like A Light At The End Of The Tunnel) — 1:56

Achim Reichel — machines, lead vocals, all other instruments
Dicky Tarrach — drums
Lemmy Lembrecht — drums, percussion, vocals
Hans «Flippo» Lampe — percussion
Kalle Trapp — percussion
Rolf Köhler — percussion
Helmuth Franke — guitar
Jochen Petersen — saxophone
Norbert Jacobsen — clarinet, vocals
Klaus Schulz — vocals
Conny Plank — vocals
Matti Klatt — vocals
Arthur C. Carstens — Jew’s harp
Pete Becker — sirens
Frank Dostal — sirens
Peter Hecht — orchestral arrangements

1972 - AR 3

01. Warum Peter Nur Noch Ferien Macht — 7:26
02. Tarzan’s Abenteuer Im Sommerschlußverkauf — 5:20
03. 10 Jahre Lebenslänglich — 7:26
04. Die Tochter Des Frostriesen — 2:19
05. Die Eigentümer Der Welt — 6:46
06. Heute Ist Es Wärmer Als Draussen — 3:15
07. Auf Deutsch Heisst Das Gewissensbisse — 3:49
08. Wie Ich Mir So Ich Dir — 2:20
09. Alles Geht Nach Goa — 5:20

Achim Reichel — acoustic guitar (04, 05, 07, 08) electric guitar (01-04, 06-09), 8-string bass (01, 03, 04, 06-09), vocals (01, 03-05, 09), tomtoms (02, 09), congas (02, 05), tambourine (03, 05), maracas (03), percussion (07), bell tree (09)
Helmuth Franke — electric guitar (01, 03, 04, 06-09), slide guitar (01)
Manfred Rörup — harpsichord (01), clavinet (06), organ (06-08)
Peter Hecht — organ (05)
Jochen Petersen — saxophone (02, 08)
Rolf Köhler — bass (02)
Karl Georg Steffan — bass (05)
Lemmy Lembrecht — drums (02-04, 06), tambourine (01), maracas (01, 07), woodblock & rattle (07)
Dicky Tarrach — drums (05)
Okko Bekker — tabla (01), saw (03), percussion & rattle (08), sitar (09)
Thomas Kuckuck — electronics (03)

1973 - A.R. IV

01. Höhlenforscher + Vogelmenschen (Cave Explorers And Bird Man) — 5:30
02. Der Mann In Nappa (The Man In Kidleather) — 10:46
03. Dünn Ist Die Haut Der Ekstase (Thin Is The Skin Of Ecstasy) — 5:21
04. Jeder Tropfen Träumt Vom Meer (H₂O) (Every Raindrop Longs For The Sea) — 22:57
Live In Studio
05. Aufwärmen Im Vogelkafig (Warm Up In A Birdcage) — 3:25
06. Geist In Der Maschine (Ghost In The Machine) — 4:58
07. Die Nacht Davor (The Night Before) — 5:39
08. Der Käfig Ist Geöffnet (The Cage Is Open) — 10:11
09. Erinnerungen An Die Nacht Davor (Remember The Night Before) — 6:12

Achim Reichel — echo guitar
Helmuth Franke — electric guitar
Hans Hartmann — bass (01-04), double bass (05-09)
Klaus-Robert Kruse — electric piano
Jochen Petersen — soprano saxophone, flute
Frank Wulf — sitar, recorder, bass-recorder
Hans Boche — drums
Churchill Jolobé — drums
Matti Klatt — percussion, acoustic guitar (05-09)
Olaf Casalich — percussion
Carsten Bohn — percussion

1974 - Autovision

01. Eisenpferde (Iron Horses) — 4:39
02. Tanz Der Vögel In Den Winden (Bird Dance In The Wind) — 10:42
03. Drei In Eins (Three In One) — 6:44
04. Turbulenzen (Turbulences) — 9:05
05. Jay Guru Dev — 10:08
06. Kopf In Den Wolken – Beine Auf Der Erde (Head In The Clouds, Feet On The Ground) — 0:34

Achim Reichel — echo & 12-string guitars, ARP synthesizer, mellotron, echo-harmonica, drums
Klaus-Robert Kruse — electric piano, mellotron, organ
Jochen Petersen — tenor saxophone, clarinet
Peter Franken — drums, vibraphone
Olaf Casalich — tambourine, maracas, bells, mridingam

1975 - Erholung

01. Gute Reise (Have A Nice Trip) — 12:17
02. Alles Inklusive (All Included) — 10:44
03. Erholung (Recuperation) — 7:04
04. Atmosphäre (Ambience) — 7:31
05. Heute Ist Das Gestern Von Morgen (Today Is Tomorrows Yesterday) (Live In Krefeld, 1973) — 8:06
06. Die Zukunft Der Vergangenheit (Future Of The Past) (Live In Krefeld, 1973) — 26:05

Achim Reichel — echo guitar
Jochen Petersen — soprano saxophone, flute
Peter Franken — drums
Olaf Casalich — percussion


Achim Reichel
