Rock Archeologia 60-70

Добро пожаловать на сайт Rock Archeologia 60-70 — в мир лучшей и редкой музыки! Здесь Вы найдёте только отборные музыкальные альбомы, а также редкие и труднодоступные записи.


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17.09.2022 11:03

Welcome back, hope you enjoyed your time away.

04.07.2022 03:55


I just now tried to make a donation via PAYPAL. It told me this account is no longer accepting donations? Can you look into this.

thanks dave

30.04.2022 20:18

I just must repeat how much I (and I am sure many others) appreciate the work you put into this site. The fact that the collection continues to grow is, to me, astounding. The world of music this site has opened up to us all is truly, truly wonderful. I applaud all your efforts. Thank you.

15.04.2022 08:02

Firstly thanks for all the obvious work you put into the site. You obviously love the music as we all do and the site is much appreciated. You have great taste in the music you post, I know you get asked for requests all the time but I have to ask. Do you have access to the russian-georgian group Dielo. Especially the one from 1975? Thanks again.

26.02.2022 00:04

I hope I am writing this for not only myself but for many others who visit this site, I would just again like to thank you for your stellar work on this one of a kind site. It has opened my ears to sounds I would never have otherwise heard from a couple decades of amazing music.

31.12.2021 12:59

Also to Vovchik59
I’d like to echo “agtima” and wish you a Happy New Year and thank you for all your energy you show with this site. You’ve always replied to any request promptly and your hard work is appreciated. Is there a way to “donate” in $ via Paypal?

31.12.2021 22:41
Reply to  vovchik59

Sent, thanks again for all the work you do, it is truly appreciated.

30.12.2021 20:19

Уважаемый Вовчик59!
С наступающим вас Новым годом!
Крепкого вам здоровья, благополучия и любви!
Успехов во всех делах!
Спасибо вам за ваш сайт и ваши труды!
С большим уважением!

John Brown
John Brown
22.06.2021 05:33

Please help. How do I register?

John Brown
John Brown
22.06.2021 05:21

How do I register for this site? Thanks!

24.01.2021 14:02

Ищу музыку. Скорее всего, есть такая на блоге.
1 Спокойный фолк-рок, примерно 1971 года. В песне звучит фраза eastern towns, western towns. Что это за группа?
2 Рок, где используется яркое качественное многоголосье. Типа Smokie, Queen, Песняров или Because и Ask Me Why Битлов. Сколько редкого переслушал, нашёл только Judas Jump — Scorch 1970 с сильным многоголосьем.

Robert Pine
Robert Pine
02.07.2022 05:37
Reply to  Быкк

Great site. Great Music. Wonderful history.